Founders/Artistic Directors, Joseph Rodgers and Soleste Lupu and Founding Board Chairman Marian Lupu (Deceased) received Community Service Medals from the City of Tucson, Awarded by Council member Richard Fimbres, and Honorable Mayor Johnathan Rothschilds 2016.
Founders/Artistic Directors, Joseph Rodgers and Soleste Lupu, were awarded Dance Teacher of the Year Award 2014 in a national competition of 600 nominees.
Nominated for Governor’s Arts Award 2014 Artist Category
Tucson Pima Arts Council (TPAC) 2013 Lummie Award, Emerging Arts Organization
League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Community Service Award 2014, FBI Community Service Award 2016, and Rosa Parks Living History Makers Award 2008.
Certificate of Recognition for Dancing in the Streets AZ 2008, from Ramon Valdez, County Supervisor, District 2, City of South Tucson Proclamation 2008, Mayor Jennifer Eckstom